

Advisory, coaching, support in the development of your business

Market intelligence

Analysis specific to your business, to help your decision-making in determining your strategy for market penetration or market development.


Strategic Review, startup analyzes and emerging innovations


Linking with French and international real estate industry players, partners or investors


Early Stage Investment in Startups, Investor Support


Business plan preparation, investment advice and due diligence on M & A deals


Experts in digital transformation for the PropTech industry


CEO & Partner

Founder of several PropTech companies in virtual tours (Previsite) and international advertising (WorldPosting), I have been working in digital and real estate for more than 18 years. I am also a director of the FF2i (French Federation of Real Estate Internet).

Having raised more than $ 10 million for my companies, especially for an expansion in the United States of the activities of my company Previsite, and having resold my companies thereafter, I would like to accompany other companies in their international expansion and their course, including fundraising, mentoring, expansion strategy.

I will be happy to work with you to help your company make the right choices, and to make the most of its potential in France and abroad.

Jérôme REVY

Jérôme REVY


Graduated in Telecommunications and Networks, I also hold a Master in Political Science. 20 years of professional experience including 9 years in real estate. I was the first to launch in 2009 a mobile application to geolocate real estate ads in augmented reality (Geoimmo).

In 2014 I sold this startup to the leading real estate software group (AC3), of which I ran a subsidiary focusing on PropTech innovations (chatbot, virtual visit, data, apps).

In 2018 I became the organizer of the real estate fair RENT and joined Eric with the ambition to get PropTech startups to participate, and support them in all stages of their growth.

I am also a director of the FF2i, Venture Partner at NCI, speaker and passionate singer. Karaoke has no secrets for me, but in this field, you will need to work hard if you want a fair duel!




Specialist in real estate marketing and internet real estate. I was the president of FF2I, the French Federation of Internet Real Estate (www.ff2i.org).

In addition, I am the founder of RENT (Real Estate & New Technologies). Each year, we gather in the largest PropTech event the leading property portals, real estate agencies, and PropTech startups.

Graduate of HEC Paris, I was Marketing Director for several large residential real estate groups during my career.

I am particularly active on market research regarding digital real estate marketing.

Pauline Feld

Pauline Feld


Diplômée en Communication et Médias, j’ai acquis au cours des 14 dernières années une solide expérience et une expertise dans le domaine de la communication et du marketing immobilier, ainsi que le conseil et la gestion des partenariats.

Après plusieurs postes de Direction, notamment comme Directrice Générale Adjointe, pour le Groupe Orisha; mes divers rôles m’ont permis d’accompagner des équipes, des professionnels de l’immobilier, des agences et des réseaux immobiliers.

Actuellement, en tant que Consultante, je mets à disposition tout mon savoir-faire pour l’ensemble des professionnels de l’immobilier. Mes différentes missions et relations me permettent d’apporter des solutions efficaces et innovantes : mise en relations, aide et accompagnement au développement commercial, stratégies et partenariats

Grâce à ces expériences variées et à mon réseau étendu, je continue à contribuer significativement à l’évolution et à l’innovation dans le secteur immobilier. Mon engagement est de fournir un accompagnement stratégique et opérationnel, en renforçant les partenariats et en maximisant les opportunités de croissance pour tous les professionnels de l’immobilier avec lesquels je collabore.




Graduated in marketing, business development and also in systems and networks, I am a digital swiss knife with more than 15 years of experience in the Real Estate landscape.

I spent 10 years at Nexity creating and managing the first internal digital factory of the Industry, including web and call center operations, to deliver qualified leads to the field salesforce.

In 2015, I co-founded and launched the successful real estate marketplace bienici.com with the sponsorship of the French Industry. I could experiment there how to manage growth in a startup. This amazing project has also allowed me to discover the Proptech ecosystem and I have fallen in love with it!

After invested times, as energy during five years in only one project, I am now happy to support ambitious projects through Property Business Accelerator, especially with their business development and product relevance challenges. I can also advise companies from the real estate Industry to help them choose and operate efficient partnerships with startups and tech companies.

François CLEMENT

François CLEMENT


Graduated in computer science, I now have more than 25 years of experience in architecture, management, design, and software development, including almost 15 years in real estate solutions.
From 2009 to 2018, I was CTO and co-founder with Jérôme Revy of the startup Geoimmo, a mobile application and cloud platform dedicated to real estate agencies (geolocation, geolocated content, virtual tours, white-label mobile applications, websites, etc.).
I also worked for software publishers such as Sopra Steria – Real Estate Solutions, and Yseop (Natural Language Generation).
I will be happy to help you manage, design, or audit your software development or integration projects.

Geoffroy Resiser

Geoffroy Resiser


Traveling the world working with leading property portals and real estate tech startups, I am well aware of industry trends and familiar with promising startups in the PropTech industry.

I joined in 2013 a promising real estate technology company, ListGlobally, the world’s largest property portal network that connects property sellers with international buyers. Making deals with the leading real estate brands, but also conducting commercial M&A, I have developed a strong expertise in the real estate tech industry.

I will gladly put my network and knowledge at your service, to help your company through consulting, or as an investor and mentor. Additionally, I offer strategy consulting, market scans, workshops, and investment advising.

Laurent COCHET

Laurent COCHET


I spent 10 years in the US and 20 in Spain where I setup and help companies scale, leverage and increase their revenue. 

Skilled in presenting, negotiating, advising, distributing and selling creative products and services in a variety of many business verticals. 

International experience in the hospitality field and real estate projects and services. I enabled process management to source new deals, market analysis, in-depth capital budgeting and business case studies.

Extensive experience in building strong diversified networks of international professionals, stakeholders with the ability to connect with investors. I will help you find your way in the Spanish proptech ecosystem with steady daily consistency in achieving long term positive impact.

I am the lead advisor in business development in Spain for a network of international real estate portals www.listglobally.com and initiator of the RENT event Proptech Expo in Madrid.

I am seeing new opportunities to engage with visionary people to create value and strong relationships.




More than 30 years experience and expertise in IT industry, PropTech and innovative startup management. During my career, I have had the opportunity to be part of several fast-growing companies as founder, manager, board member and/or investor.

I was also involved in the French innovation ecosystem as public incubator manager and active member in French and European Incubation Networks. For several years I taught Innovation Startup Company Launching in both Skema Business School and Université Nice Sophia Antipolis.

As a consultant or a mentor, I will be happy to share my experience and my network, to help your project and company’s growth.



I came to know Mr Geoffroy Reiser, during my duties as Head of Product & Business Development at Xrisi Efkeria group, the no1 classifieds company in Greece. (…)
He is always up to date on the business trends and opportunities, by participating in industry organizations and forming strong personal contact networks.
I strongly suggest him as a capable and pleasant individual with a doer attitude, that benefits both his company and its partners as well!
Vangelis Antonopoulos

Digital Platforms Manager , Eurobank Group

Working with someone as knowledgeable about real estate and the PropTech industry as Geoffroy was inspiring and energizing.
Karl Jorgen Stotvig Aanonsen

(Previously) Strategic Business Developer Real Estate, Schibsted Spain

Jérôme est un vrai professionnel qui sait délivrer dans les temps des prestations correspondant aux attentes de ses clients, souvent exigeants. Il est ouvert et sait penser « out of the box », avec une approche conseil. Il a de plus su tisser avec nous une réelle relation de confiance en étant toujours très franc et honnête.
Hugues de Vallavieille

Chief Innovation Officer, Cushman & Wakefield

Nous travaillons avec Property Business Accelerator pour nous aider à développer en France et à l’étranger la verticale immobilière de Meero. C’est une grande satisfaction de travailler avec des professionnels qui connaissent parfaitement le marché et ses acteurs. Une équipe efficace et très sympathique !
Julien Rebaud

General Manager, Meero

J’ai eu un grand plaisir à travailler avec Jérôme, tant dans son activité avec Gercop Digital, que dans son rôle de responsable grand compte chez Immofacile.
Sa vision stratégique dans chacune de ses positions lui a permis de nous apporter des conseils avisés. Son organisation et sa communication ont toujours été un gage d’un échange fluide dans nos projets communs et l’assurance d’aboutir.
Ça serai un plaisir de partager à nouveau des projets communs.
Benjamin Perrin

DSI, Stéphane Plaza Immobilier

Get in touch with us

7 + 13 =

Property Business Accelerator

33 Avenue Général Sarrail

75016 PARIS

France – RCS Paris 834 115 453